
As you know I am a X- Hells Angel  and have this old joke for you…………this Hells Angel walks into the church and sits on the reception desk while rolling a match stick around his mouth and looks up and down at the sectary who is sitting there in a frozen state, finally he says to her , sooo tell me sister who is the main” HOG “around here?

She stutters back, sir you can’t call him that, he is the pastor here, and a real man of God, in fact right now he is busy praying , the Hell’s Angel replies, listen here blondie I have a large cheque I want to give him, with that she jumps up as says ,don’t worry sir I will go and call the “little porky right now!”

New year’s resolution , to be quite frank with you this never applies to me ,I have enough daily resolutions to cope with still to add more for new year, in fact I have 10 that I try to do each DAY and have the list on the wall next to the mirror in the bathroom.

The heading “DO NOT DO”.[ Can all be found in Proverbs]

GOSSIP-Gossip is a mopping cloth, dragged across a dirty floor; and though the excess is pressed off , always there is a drop more.

JUDGE-Having to do with the use of judgement , excessively critical of others.

BE NEGATIVE-Paul , asking Titus to urge the people “to be ready to do every good work” and to speak evil to no one, said : “These things are good and profitable unto men”.

COMPLAIN-  Primitive-“ These are murmurers, complainers , walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.-Jude.

MAKE EXCUSES-The slothful man saith, There be a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets Pro ch. 22.

EMBROIDER- [Exaggerate] lie.-We need to read again these words: “ As coals are to burning coals and wood to fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife. The words of a tale bearer are wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.” [Pro 26:21,22].

DOGMATISM [ Confusion of facts with opinion ].-we do it all the time ! In LA , Judge Yankwich   had such a case as to make judges want to scream-or, they be foolish and evil enough to be profane, to do worse.

Luther Wright and Hermann Rongg appeared before the Federal Judge Leon R. Yankwich, each claiming ownership of a patent. The judge attempted to moderate the dispute, declaring:

“ Well , one of you must be wrong .”

“ That’s right,” declared Rongg, “ I’m right Rongg, and I’m right.”

Then Wright interrupted :

“ He’s wrong, your honor. I’m right and Rongg is wrong.”

The judge couldn’t  quite make it out, but he opined :

“ Well , you both can’t be right. After all , right is right and wrong is wrong.”

But largely upon the strength of a letter Wright wrote to Rongg, Judge Yankwich at length terminated the Wright-Rongg dispute by ruling:

“ Paradoxical though it may appear in this case Wright is wrong and Rongg is right, and so I enter judgment.”





LOVE ( WISHING PEOPLE WELL) And what is this love? Let Adelaide P. Love answer that question. She says:

I asked a river ,”What is love?”

And it replied: “ The Sea.”

I asked the question of the trees;

“The wind ,” they answered me.

I asked the mountain and it cried:

“The stars!” And I asked the field of grain;

It quickly sang: “The rain! The rain!”.

The shore told me it was the tide.

And when I asked my soul, it said:

“love is the shining key

To that fair golden temple

Of my immortality.”
Nisumi  says: “Love, like the creeping vine, withers if it has nothing to embrace.”

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