“The best things in life are free , but give me money that’s what I want” ( Beatles Song) (PART ONE)



Yep ! most of us have to get up each day regardless of the  time and work to make it , WHY? To put food on the table, pay the electricity to cook it and the water bill, school fee’s, petrol, clothing , the list goes on and on…………….BUT did the Lord not say “ my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus”. Of course He will , but don’t blame Him if you are having financial problems :

One of them I call it is the “spirit of consumerism” and has tentacle’s that will affect all parts of your following of righteousness , godliness, faith, love , patience and meekness.

Now I know you don’t fall into this category, but suppose you bought a TV set and after a while it just was not big enough so you got a bigger and better one and the old one you put in the bedroom, after a while you decided that the sound was not up to scratch so you got ‘Round Sound” and again updated the TV and now this one you erected on the patio so you could watch rugby and braai at the same time and be able to impress the guests as they could now walk any ware in the house and watch rugby …………,  So now let’s zero closer and see some of the results, first all this equipment costs a lot of money ( and I know it was not bought with the credit card) so no interest is involved, mmmm what about all the TV licence’s required, electricity , maintenance , insurance, DSTV connection, disc  the list goes on and applies to many other areas , cars , owning holiday homes, entertaining “ and they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare” . ( A net ; trap; a pit dug in the ground, filled with sharp stakes, and covered over so that any man or animal who stumbles into it will be killed.)


  • Many temptations of the devil.

Many snares of the devil.

  • Many foolish lusts.
  • Many harmful lusts.
  •  Destruction and perdition.
  • The root of evil to grow.
  • One to move away from the faith.
  • Many sorrows.
  • Highmindedness .
  • Wrong trust.

This scraping together and heaping up riches effects the mind and one becomes selfish and filled with pride “ pride becomes before the fall”.

So now what ? must we not have money , it’s the love of money, not money itself, is the root to all these evils in fact even the love of it is not the root to ALL evil that has ever been. Neither Lucifer nor Adam fell because of the love for money many others in the Scriptures went into sin for reasons other than money.

All men do not love money only some covet it and reap these evils.


  • How to budget and partner with the Lord.
  • Tithing yes/no.
  • Giving .
  • Spiritual gifts etc etc…

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