
SO FAR …..we have established that the respective principles differ widely, both in content and in application. The VESSEL ( that’s you) wants practical  instructions that will give it values and strategies , which it can adopt and apply . the TREASURE needs principles that enable the vessel to do no more than function as a conduit. It needs the VESSEL to be in a state of eager state of anticipation expecting God to deliver miraculous impartations of a life that is beyond its power to anticipate or imagine.

If you miss what God most wants for you to have, this specially provided realm in which to live and an unimaginably glorious destiny,( I believe most Christians don’t have a clue what God intends you to be) WHY?………………. because you MUST gain the knowledge of the identity of that is “ born of the Spirit”. It is essential.

A SERIOUS OBSTACLE,  what is ? ……. And here’s the BIG problem , I’m a believer, I’m born again and that’s where it stops! WHY………. BECAUSE your human mind is unable to grasp the awesome identity God has formed within you.

John 3:3-8 you should all know this backwards, and if you don’t you have a problem to start with, hard hitting but unfortunately its true and what I am saying will probably go right over your head and you will most likely stop reading any further.

OK, HOW MANY FORMS OF LIFE DID JESUS SAY CAME INTO BEING THROUGH BIRTH?  Don’t know, so keep reading you will learn a revelation to-day and a new start to your spiritual journey something perishes AND valuable .

TWO!……………. First you were born of your forefather Adam and then you were born of the Spirit, to put it plainly …..He said – “ That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” YOUR FIRST FATHER WAS FLESH, THEREFORE YOU ARE FLESH. YOUR SECOND FATHER IS SPIRIT, THEREFORE YOU ARE SPIRIT.  Jesus was repeating Himself for EMPHASIS. He said “ Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God  “  …………………….what does “water” mean? Come on you know and have read this vs many times. Water, water, water.

Well in His day a reference to “water”, in this context, was a reference to the reproductive seed of a human father. They would say that a woman became pregnant through receiving her husband’s “water”.

He was saying that you needed to be born into human life first, and then you needed to be “ born of the

Spirit “ subsequently.

Now “look” at this John 1:12-13 ( I love John because he was very pedantic and would notice everything in great detail, he was like a Eagle and could see things a mile off) and this is what he had to say: “ But ( I really like BUT! Let’s get some attention around here) as many as receive him, to them gave he power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man , but of God.”

John emphasises three important exclusions , do you know what they are? Read the vs again he tells you, that’s why you must meditate on them.

Well here they are:

1)      Is that such a birth cannot come by “blood.”—–this means that it cannot be passed down from father to child.

2)      That it cannot come into being by the “ will of the flesh”. —-this means that man cannot do it for himself by using his power of choice or any other form of willpower he might have.

3)      Is that it is not “ of the will of man”—–this means that no man can do it for any other man. Only God can cause you to be born as His child by imparting His own form of life to you.

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