
Ok, we have jumped a head somewhat to “pave the way” so for now let’s just backtrack….

The mind of your vessel cannot comprehend this form of life . To you as the vessel it seems dangerous , irresponsible, foolhardy and unreal, never the less you were in distress when the glow began to fade.

IN CONTRAST, your treasure is now stifled by your rules and strategies formed because of the curse and the war against Satan.     Your treasure remembers how the war ended with the resounding defeat of Satan when Christ died and rose again.    The life of your treasure is resurrected life ,Satan and the curse are not able to enter the realm of the resurrection, it is immune to, and separated from , all the aspects of the curse.   Your treasure cannot agree with your rules and strategies and so endorse what is not true. It cannot. Therefore, silent and inert, it withdraws.

YOU, as the vessel, cannot understand the treasure but you will always try to, you must accept that you will never be able to understand it.

Ok,I think we are now up to speed now, the vessel( YOU) and the treasure,( God) that gave birth to it!…………………………………. Now the good news is that there are things about your treasure that you need to know, and knowing them is the KEY to the vast changes you must make, WHY?

BECAUSE ………………………..the vessel is hostile to the treasures nature, to the realm of its life, and to its purpose and ambitions . The vessel will always find the laws of the treasure foolish and dangerous.

Look at this scripture: 1 cor.2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: NEITHER CAN HE KNOW THEM, because they are spiritually discerned.  GOT YA! But Derek ? no I did not say it , it’s what the word says .

THERE IS A GREAT DIVIDE BETWEEN THEM.  “LOOK” at this Gal.5:17 tells you that “the flesh lusteth  against the Spirit , and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other”. O’ BOY NOW WHAT Derek?  Well though the vessel and the treasure are irreconcilable , you need them both , both make contributions to you becoming everything God wants you to be , with the treasure the master of your life.

Let me end todays little reading this way , how does it separate your two forms of life we have been talking about? …………….answer: when your treasure merges with your vessel  and becomes one with it!

WHY? ………………..because it absorbs your vessel and uses it to express itself and manifest its divine life but it does not allow your vessel to control it, it will never become the servant of the vessel.

But Derek this is all new to me and I am not sure I get it all, don’t worry you will and that’s why we are doing this together..

But here’s a thought that we will tackle next :   The principles enabling the vessel to improve itself, raise the standard of living, and elevate its level of righteousness, choke and suffocate the treasure, in contrast ,principles that liberate and promote the treasure are unacceptable to the vessel because the vessel finds them either threatening or foolish.

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