“ ASCENTION “ – Knowing God (part 13)

The Northern Lights Route

It is the “finished “ work of Christ, we must arrive at the Ascension,

( Luke 24 : 49 ). And behold , I send the promise of my Father upon you , but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem , until ye be endured with the power from high.

And He parted from them and rose into Heaven.

Now unfortunately  Ascension is generally the unknown work of Christ and little is known of what truly happened at the Ascension, in order for us to understand enough to know where we are going and where we have come from.( so this is just a little bit of what happened to get you going) so to put it in a “nut” shell this is what took part.

It all starts with Abram ( old phony )  he worshiped the moon , God calls this man and he meets a man called Melchizedek , man sent by God and he blesses Abram. Now after this Abram waited for the “Blessing” of God. ( DO YOU KNOW WHAT WAS THE BLESSING HE WAITED FOR?). Israel didn’t, but they waited and waited for the “Blessing “ to come , its coming the Blessing, the Promise. ( of course we know the blessing was the GOSPEL.) BUT they didn’t .

But they could not receive it WHY?…………………….BECAUSE OF SIN!, so the Lord gave the Ten Commandments.

Daniel five hundred years from now ,Dan 9 : 27 ( when it comes it will be the end of SIN.)

SO ON AND SO ON……..and as we look at Matt. Genealogy so and so begat so and so,   and so and so begat so and so and FINALLY the one who didn’t SIN, and John cries out “Look the Lamb of God to take away the SINS of the world.”

He shall not only baptise you in water but the Holy Spirit as well. He was the only one that received the blessing of Abraham, the first and the only one to merit it.

Gethsemane was not the blessing of Abraham, became SIN on the cross ( blessing of Abraham.) Went to the tomb ( blessing of Abraham) paid the price and was raised up! And when He was Glorified in Heaven and given the name Lord and He received His full Inheritance, the PROMISE was given to the disciples in the upper room and they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit WHY ONLY NOW? ……………..come on you know, THINK!

Well because the Holy Spirit was confined to His Human Body NOW He could release it: THE PROMISE bringing Justification and a new life, the curse of the law remedied by Justification.

It’s interesting to note and ill throw this one in , that because of SIN God divided all the languages at Babel, and when Jesus was King of Kings, King of His Kingdom all language barriers were done away with ‘Tongues”.

No more offerings to be given , the only sacrifice is Praise.

No more temples , because we are the living stones.

and so………………………………………Repentance –change of mind be baptised and receive the Holy Spirit and then your water funeral service.


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