“ JEHOVAH” – KNOWING GOD ( part 12 )



Psa.91: 1-2 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in The shadow of the Almighty.( Vs. 2  )  I will say of the Lord. “His my refuge and my fortress , my God, in whom I trust . ( what a beautiful , beautiful reading!)


Let’s look at it again ( read) and the question arises:


1)      What should we do about it?


2)      What does God want from us ?


3)      Is there a new thought ?


“I will say of the Lord”. LORD is the word that describes God, which is translated from “JEHOVAH”, AND THE name Jehovah comes from the word TO BE and includes three tenses of that word , Past, Present and Future, the name there for means HE WHO WAS, IS’ AND TO COME, In other words the Eternal one.


I am going to spend a little more time on this study of Jehovah , as you know I like to keep them short and to the point allowing you to continue your studies : Of” Knowing God” as you should do.


It’s a strange name “ JEHOVAH”  BUT you need to know His name , I AM the One who is.




1)      His self-Revelation.

2)      Tells me who He is.


3)      Tells me His relationship to His creation.


Believe me there is no “Mystery in God, all you have to do is read the Book. ( but let me make it easy for you to-day) He is:




1)      The Lord that health.


2)      The Lord our banner.


3)      The Lord our peace.


4)      The Lord our Shepard .


5)      The Lord our righteousness , what’s that ? ( holiness in action ).


6)      The Lord that Provides .


7)      The Lord who is there.


The beautiful thing about all of this is what?……………………well we are fitted out to receive Him and know Him as a Christian and in return Worship Him and Praise Him, creatures cant , they cannot receive.


When man was made – He said my name is I AM.


God introduced Himself to us- The Original .


God always is.


(I AM) ring through your Spirit!






1)      I AM Wisdom.


2)      I AM Light.


3)      I AM Life.


4)      I Am Love.




WHAT ever your needs are, YOU have God ,I AM. Is God big enough for your life, problems, needs, heartaches? OR have you let them discourage you……………………Our God is Omnipotent. There can be no limit, boundary or edge to His ability and His power. ( Paris Reidhead).


I AM – YOU can build on Him


YOU can rest on Him………………..Thats who JEHOVAH is.


If He is the Life of all –which He is ,then to go against Him is death, because He rose and that’s why Jesus is against sin, He never cools or flutters, because He is the LIFE OF THE UNIVERSE .


Jesus is LOVE which must give its self away, a love that doesn’t oppose sin is not Love.






No man can walk in sin and with God at the same time, it’s like cancer, death lodged in life , SIN is the cancer of life, the Holy God must have Righteousness and judges all


sin, that’s why you have the “Ten” Commandments  , its LIFE ( that is who Jehovah is) its LIFE ( that’s living) its LIFE ( Abundant life.)


Daniel said in our text ( God is our fortress )  when we look at the Glory of God where can we hide, “He is my refuge and my fortress .”


You know that God (Jehovah) felt the sin of man , that’s why we have ‘Salvation” BUT it cost Him His only SON, we need to let that sink in, that’s His “Love Story”.






I’m going to abbreviate this but I am sure you are intelligent enough to understand the ‘ Love Story’.


The Lord took one of his prophets Hosea and told him to marry Gomer,  nothing unusual about that , when I met my wife Leigh the Lord said that’s your wife, simple , have been married thirty six years now. Any way let’s get on with the story and not keep you waiting, they settle down to a happy marriage and have three children, but as time passes things start to go wrong, she begins to stay away from the house, eventually for many days, you guessed it ,     aren’t you cleaver , she had found a rich business man – and did not need Hosea any more . now you must realise and this is important ,Hosea is a Prophet and his wife is “National property” just like to day  a President has a First Lady. Now here he stands at his door and watches her leave him to shack up as the mistress of some man or men in the big city, this is in front of all the Nation his wife leaves him to play the prostitute with someone in town  .


And his heart was wrenched as the Nation watched .


After many days the Lord says –go Love that woman, and off he goes on his search to the last place she’s been , she’s left, the next place ‘ getting old” she’s left, next place , yes we saw her ( don’t forget the whole Nation knows the situation ) she was sold as a slave, sick, dirty and tired.


He then goes from slave market to slave market and finally finds her as she is pushed onto the stage, he looks at her in rags ,dirty, sick, just a bag of bones, the bidding starts – 15 shekels a bay of barley .


He then goes up to her –and she recognises him –and he says “I love you “and she stands their sick ,dirty, and a bag of bones – don’t worry I will take care of that and he absorbs her shame ,brings her back to his house and gives back her dignity , and JEHOVAH SAYS GO TELL THE NATION THAT’S HOW I LOVE!    ( HIS not going to let man be lost in the auction sales of the world.)


He became SIN for us (dealt with ) JEHOVAH WOULD HAVE IT NO OTHER WAY.


Rom. 4 : 25  He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification .










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