
If we recap from the last ten messages of “Knowing God” we will come to a logical conclusion that God is “Eternal”, one that never began , one who needs no-one  and one that was always there.

It’s important to understand that when we are dealing with the “Eternity of God” we are dealing in TIME, and in relationship to time God is Eternal. Time on the other hand is behind or before , Eternity has no backwards or forwards , ( But time has.)

“TIME IS INSIDE ETERNITY “ AND God is not subject to time, (Deut. 33 : 27 ) The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms .( The God that will be there at the end.)

In Job. We read ; How great is God- beyond our understanding! The number of years is past finding out.( The endlessness of God, from everlasting to everlasting .)

If you read Psa. 102: 22-27 the most enduring part of our universe ( the Psalmist has chosen ) has a beginning and an end, and if you back up to( Psa. 93 : 2  )” Your throne was established long ago, you are from all eternity “.          God always is, I AM NOW , no yesterday , no tomorrow, no past and no future, time that is still to come, events or conditions occurring or existing in time still to come . His centre is everywhere past, present and future are present in His mind!

Remember (Deut. 33 : 27 ) you have just read it ,His everywhere present in regards to time , the everlasting God is our refuge , a God that cannot be moved!

Where do YOU think our Salvation started ? let you know at the end.

Important to understand “Time began with the foundation of the world and God started time , in fact He has lived ALL my tomorrows and pasts and you can now” rest” anchored in God, or for example  you boarded an aircraft say flying to the UK if you want you can stand all the way /or you can sit down , you choose , but you will still arrive at your destination.

Let me explain a little about Eternity, say YOU are the author of a book , YOU know it and YOU have given all the creatures a personality,  BUT YOU are the author, YOU don’t live in the pages!

In this case the Author of the book became the” Central Character” and changed the whole plot , God became one of us, and now the Christian has Eternal life, BUT ITS EVEN MORE THAN THAT, SO HOLD ONTO YOUR PANTS, DEATH IS AT THE END OF TIME, BUT I CANT DIE, WHY? ………………………………….. BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALREADY COME HOME FROM YOUR OWN FUNERAL!  Christians we are NOT locked  into time .we are locked into  God that is Eternal  , so we have Eternal life, this leaves us only to worship Him.


Answer : Eternity .

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