KNOWING GOD ( part 9)

National Geographic

Ex. 3 : 14 And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; AND He said , “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.’”  That’s the heart of everything- TELL THEM! The independent, the self-existent, the only one that can say that.

I AM-because God is ( I can’t say  I AM ), IN all Gods actions HE IS SELF EXISTENT   there for all his creation depend on Him. And He depends on no one .

Psa. 33 : 11 God does not need man to help Him ( It shall be done ).

Psa. 115 : 3 He does what He pleases. ( He’s the only one that can say that.)

Rev. 4 : 11 All things come from God. ( You can’t give to God anything , He has need for nothing.)

I can’t begin to think of Him as He truly is ( He dwells in a light unapproachable ) God will not submit to a curiosity that we want to know and to put it simply the best way to understand God” I think “ is to look at man and God.

Man derived life from God. ( We possess nothing) did we create it ?

Man is dependent on God- even the AIR you breath is given by God.

Man is dependent on the ONE who made us in HIS IMAGE, so the atheist is the one who’s talking himself out of his own existence, we are here because God is ( Col. 1 : 15) , we are helpless unless we receive from God.

So we now come to SIN ( what is SIN?) SIN itself is not against you, SIN is against God, I believe we don’t know what SIN is till we have seen that.

SIN is violating the God that is self-existent.

SIN is saying I need no-one ( self-existent as God.)

And we will never understand Salvation, why Jesus came, until we understand that simple fact. I will do my own thing- that’s SIN, ( Man says I AM .) and it’s the heart of SIN to hang onto your own life and do what you want to do.)

You have got to understand ,God does not need anything from us, if He did He would not be perfect! We are the creature of need water, food etc. God needs nothing, and the beauty here is that He chose to have fellowship with us (HIS CHOICE ), and importantly when we come to Christ we don’t add to Him , we add God to ourselves, you can’t help God but He can help you.

Shame ……………           you didn’t give money for the offering – poor God He can’t go forward . Who do you think God is ? He doesn’t need you or me, but Derek does that not disturb everything ? Noooo it begins it, you can’t help God build His Church , ITS GODS BUSINESS ! His Self Sufficient, what a relief as some really believe that we help build Gods Church.               So now what? What does that now leave me to do? How does this sound – to Worship Him, to Relax and enjoy God AND be limp in His hands so that when He wants to use you He can do so. ( That’s one of the main reasons that construction buildings to worship in is so wrong , the paying of Pastors, Tithing, all trying to help God build His church, and yes please do, challenge me on the Tithing, please do!)

Its God business to save sinners , and if he wants to put me on the shelf he can do it. This leaves me free to worship Him and I don’t have to do his work for Him, now I am suddenly FREE as I know now that God alone can trust Himself “ He is complete” and we must trust Him the only one we can trust.

Yes, I know it hurts that God doesn’t need you  ( you are not the I AM), just take your place and you will know the abundant life and you can work in company with Him. Amen.

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