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So let’s recap:

God runs His universe and is in total control , I can’t change God’s mind , give him advice, help him or give him information, WHY? Because God is unchanging and our faith is rooted in what God is going to do.


Jonah 1 : 2 Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come before me.( 3 : 4) Jonah started into the city, goings a day’s journey , and proclaimed : Forty more days and Nineveh will be destroyed. ( 3 : 10) When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring them the destruction he had threatened. ( DID GOD NOW CHANGE HIS MIND?)

Jer. 26 : 13 Now reform your ways ,your activities and obey the Lord your God. Then the Lord will relent and not bring disaster he has pronounced against you. (DID GOD CHANGE HIS MIND?)

Has God changed His mind?? NO IMPOSSIBLE! From man’s point of mind He has.

Now this is important, you have to look at and study the “Attributes of God” . The Anger and Love of God is ONE ( The Lord thy God is ONE.)

We on the other hand change , hot and cold.

God does not, He is love and at the same time is angry, God’s anger is always against SIN ( even before sin was) and at the same time His love of “ Righteousness  never changes  “

The ( Ninevites ) moved from SIN to Righteousness. God has not changed his mind the change was in THEM , they had a change of Relationship with God.

Let me put it this way, when you received Christ as your Lord and Saviour , He hasn’t changed towards you, HE GAVE HIS SON ( that’s enough ) , YOU have moved into a new Relationship with God, now is that not beautiful ?

The ONE that NEVER changes , The Same Yesterday, the same Today, the same Tomorrow.





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Ninevites —————————————–à


Change of relationship with God

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