“PREPARE YE THE WAY” (part three)

The breathtaking scenes near Mount Fuji, Japan

Why must we walk through the valley of sickness ,poverty ,depression ,fear ,sorrow ,weeping ,despondency ? I would rather take the short cut and allow the Lord to fill in the “Low Places” and walk over having easy access to His Glory .


Have you ever taken time out to watch birds, I have feeding trays in my garden and can watch them from my bedroom in the morning, about thirty plus “red heads” it’s a finch , speckled barbets and ring neck barbets , white eyes, bull-bull’s and the likes really enjoying themselves singing and chirping , eating the seeds and fruit I have put out for them , then suddenly taking to the air and back again , they are just fulfilling their desire quite frankly they are on “Automatic “, so should we be on automatic enjoying His presence and allow Him to build the highway through our lives .


Isa .40 : 4 ‘ Straighten those curves “   1 Cor. 15 : 46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and after-ward the spiritual.


Curves , “ CROOKED”  -( SKOLIOS) …… LUKE 3: 4-6

as it is written in the book of words of Isaiah the prophet,


“ The voice of one crying in

The wilderness:

“Prepare the way of the


Make His paths straight.

Every valley shall be filled

And every mountain and hill brought low;

The crooked places shall be

made straight

And the rough ways smooth;

And all flesh shall see the

Salvation of God.’”


Metaphorically , of what is morally crooked, perverse and forward , of people belonging to a particular generation Acts 2  : 40.


Jer. 17 : 9  The heart is deceitful above all things and is desperately wicked . Who can know it.

Hos. 6 : 8 Gilead is a city of wrongdoers,

Tracked with bloody footprints.


………or cunning for blood/slippery

Crooked, deceitful , polluted  MUST ALL BE STRAIGHTENED  OUT.


Deceiver / slippery operators

“ Cunning for blood”- lust for power- desire for money – pleasure of exercising control, MUST ALL BE OVERRIDDEN WITH HONESTY AND SPIRITUALLY.

You know the story of Ananias and Sapphire  ACTS: 5 1-11   they lied to the Holy Spirit, and they both fell down and died.

Saint today- Cheat tomorrow “ on his wife or vice versa ’ the “plastic Christian there are a dime-a- dozen .


You know the old story : What you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you say!


I was having a bite to eat with a brother and an old friend of his ( not saved) and they were talking about the old company they used to work for and busy trying to remember the sectaries name , when the friend said you remember her , her name was Rose ( not her real name ) we both “ screwed her” ( had sexual intercourse with her, man you should have heard how quickly the subject changed .


The Holy Spirit Freeway teaches us “ Truth in the inward parts” Ps 51 : 6 and there is not one crooked place or dangerous turn in God’s freeway, DO NOT WALK CLOSE TO THE EDGE !  it like saying no distance is too short to travel without a safety  belt.


It calls for a life of transparent honesty ,that conceals nothing or you will become disillusioned and harden your heart against God;


STRAIGHTENED  out- the route to God’s Glory becomes , SHORTER/SAFER/SURER .

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