“PREPARE YE THE WAY”(part two)

Sunset in the village of Bleik, Norway

To begin with you will only have the right of way if you are “Born Again” John. 3 : 3


Winter is here and we have just ordered and received a large amount of pre-cut logs for our fire place , the same trees that spent many years putting down  roots with limbs high in the sky,  in construction are felled, “TIMBER/R/R/R/R/R  quickly and cut into logs ( small comfort) the stumps “ and roots” are blasted out and burned till nothing remains.


It’s the first work of the Spirit – CUT DOWN AND TOTALLY DESTROY , our Abilities ,Activities ,Achievements of our past lives, all hinders the construction of the Highway to God.


“Spare that tree” you scream, sorry can’t be heard  because of the noise of the chain saw. “It has taken me years to produce this” we wept, people have marvelled at its beauty for years, a small voice……….. “but you were not purchased for a forest, answered the Spirit of the Lord- But for a Freeway!”


D.L.Moody a famous Evangelist once said: “Whoever chooses to come to God empty handed?-We like to think that we have abilities ,talents that are useful to Him.  ( He also had another quote that I liked “No memory is as good as a blunt pencil “)


Rom 8 : 8 So then , those who are in the flesh cannot please God.


Oh no! THE BULLDOZERS ARE COMING,                 Isa. 40 : 4 “ Let every valley be lifted up,

And every mountain and hill be made low;

And let the rough ground become a plain,

And the rugged terrain broad valley;


At this stage of construction there is often evidence of a great struggle I know as an ex Hells Angel there was for me, relationships with family and friends , old habits and ways.

But we persist , ok no trees, but what about the flowers , at this time of the year May/June beautiful flowers called “Cosmos” spring up all over the place and I was thinking it all has to go all the beautiful wild flowers and grass,  we will always try to rationalize and still try to assist Him


What about the beautiful high places?

What about the beautiful land marks?

What about  the beautiful look out points?

I do a lot of 4X4 trips and they are all magnificent, but ‘RUMBLE” belching diesel exhaust smoke is all you see and great power applied to the front blade  all is reduced to rubble!


But you know what it starts to beautify and refresh us  as my heights of ability and strength have become barriers , and my insecurity is stripped  away , the function is like ‘DUNAMIS” great power, “ But you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit is come upon you”.


mmmm The dust starts to settle , and  scraper tractors start to move in and start to push rocks and rubble into the valley, “Not that valley we scream, are they going to fill it in as well ?… sorry bud, “ “ low places need to be filled in as well”.


REMEMBER , valleys are spoken of negatively  , Psa. 84 : 6 a “passing through the valley of Baca …..

Psa . 23 : 4” The valley of the shadow of death”


It must be filled in to allow our approach to God easier……….


“Blessed assurance ,Jesus is Mine”

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