“PREPARE YE THE WAY’ Isa. 40 : 3 – 5 (part one)

New Zealand, Cathedral Cove Beach Sunrise

Not too far from where we live construction is taking place they are  building a new freeway , huge amount of activity and noise, and of course the traffic congestion is to say the least is terrible .


Now, I want you to picture yourself being the territory  through which the roadway is being constructed ,and I believe that we can learn much about the preparation process God uses in our lives.

We need a freeway into God’s presence ! Matt. 3 :3 b ‘ Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight,’ “  WHY? Vs. 3 The Glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. I love it, WHY?

Simple , declares both the CAUSE & EFFECT – the way prepared vs. 5

When THIS is done THAT will result – the Glory revealed.

I believe that it is time for road construction ;

God’s freeway is to be built in the lives of the believers.

God’s desire is to prepare you and me as a roadway that will……….

  • Lead from earth to heaven.
  • Natural to supernatural .
  • Worship of man – worship of God.


  • Our glory to god’s Glory.


In fact you must see all the signs outside on this freeway that they are building , no entry, turn left , turn right, speed limit,

they are everywhere, we should also have a sign at the entrance of our lives “ For your future convenience , freeway under construction” 40 : 3, this will eliminate , and you know what he did, this and that and he is a Christian you know! Ever heard that remark?

One has to remember building a freeway is costly and messy and before Construction “ Destruction “

I believe that I have something very exciting to share with you, but let’s just take it slow to begin with , till next time (part two) yours inn the Kings Service.


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