
As you know the Bible is very simple to understand, but sometimes we struggle to realise the promises in the Bible are true and really for us,  even the disciples after three years of teaching had to be rebuked for unbelief and hardness of heart. Lk 24:25-27 But you have to study the bible and become acquainted with it. Let me give you a very simple example , as a young Christian we had a home church meeting and on this occasion I was singled out to read a scripture from Corinthians 2, well I tell you I broke out in a cold sweat ! (there’s 2 Corinthians?) two of them? What happened to the 1st one ? and finally confessed that I did not know of the other Corinthians no 2, how embarrassing, I subsiqensly made sure that I found out about all the OTHER  two’s in the bible. I wonder if you right now can name them?

This portion of scripture Rom. 5:12-21 on reading seams very complicated, however if you refer to my “Study Headings” its simplicity at its best!


ROMANS 5:12-21

The CERTAINTY OF JUSTIFICATION and Righteousness is proved BETWEEN :

  1. CERTAINTY of death and sin through Adam.
  2. CERTAINTY of life and grace through Christ. You could look at it this way if you want, Two men , ACTS AND RESULTS!

The blessings of Christ are much greater than all the curses that spring from Adam.

So let’s now look at them .

  1. ADAM AND CHRIST ( Verses 12-14) Adam’s effect went further than himself. So Christ’s work was to have far-reaching  effects.
  2. TRESPASS—GIFT (Verse 15) “ But shall not, as the offence so also be the free gift”. The fall and the free gift resemble each other in their far-reaching effects.
  3. CONDEMNATION AND JUSTIFICATION ( Verse 15) Condemnation fell on man as a result of ONE lapse. Justification covers MANY lapses.
  4. DEATH AND LIFE (Verse 17) If Adam’s sin caused death to reign  , is it not easier to accept the reign of life through Christ ?
  5. TRESPASS AND RIGHTEOUNESS (Verse 18) GRACE is more powerful than SIN.
  6. DISOBEDIENCE AND OBEDIENCE (Verse 19) the RESULT of Adam’s disobedience is contrasted to the RESULT of Christ’s obedience.
  7. ABOUNDING TRESPASS AND ABOUNDING GRACE (Verse 20) Law was not a final purpose, but SERVED purpose.
  8. REIGN OF SIN AND REIGN OF GRACE ( Verse21) Transcendence of the work of Christ is here stressed.

Don’t remember where I got this little illustration from but it’s worth remembering : JUSTIFICATION = JUST-IF-THEIR-WAS –NO-SIN  !

YOU might not be aware of it but I pray for many of you eg : the day Kaylin was conceived I have prayed for her every day nearly 3 years and have now started praying for the new ba-ba expected ! if you need prayer for something on your heart in confidence send your request and it WILL be answered!

For the last two years I have been studying the “Oracles of God’ with Reg who was recently murdered for his faith by Satanists, and I would like to share this wonderful revelation with you, I have also spent many hours designing illustrations so one can understand with ease .

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